
Results Driven

Each of our partner doctors is deeply invested in the future of their practice, and the profession — and so is US Orthopaedic Partners.

When you partner with us, you and your team further the foundation upon which we grow, learn and succeed together.

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Fellows from USOP practices are making a difference for patients across the nation.

Why Partner with Us?

Join one of the few groups focused solely on the practice of orthopaedics nationwide, and tailored to support your needs as a practicing orthopaedist.
We understand the importance of clinical autonomy to your success. You choose how you practice while sharing clinical best practices with other industry-leading orthopaedists.
We offer clear terms and a simple transaction, especially when compared to selling to an associate or even many MSOs. Our team is experienced and professional. Our goal is a smooth transition to ensure the long-term health of your practice. In addition to up-front cash we also offer the opportunity to participate in your practice’s upside growth through equity ownership.

Our back-office services provide rich support, allowing you to focus less on the business and more on your patients.

We actively manage clinical outcomes via our Patient Reported Outcomes (PRO) program and leverage our economies of scale to reduce the cost of care as well as provide contracting experience and expertise.
You will receive the benefits of a focused and professional support team designed to drive the success of your practice.